
Antidote achieves its speed by doing all the work of cloning plugins up front and generating the code your .zshrc needs to source those plugins. Typically, we want to do this via a plugins file.

Plugins file

A plugins file is basically any text file that has one plugin per line.

In our examples, let’s assume we have a ~/.zsh_plugins.txt file with these contents:

# .zsh_plugins.txt

# comments are supported like this

# empty lines are skipped

# annotations are also allowed:
romkatv/zsh-bench kind:path
olets/zsh-abbr    kind:defer

# frameworks like oh-my-zsh are supported
getantidote/use-omz        # handle OMZ dependencies
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:lib   # load OMZ's library
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:plugins/colored-man-pages  # load OMZ plugins
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:plugins/magic-enter

# or lighter-weight ones like zsh-utils
belak/zsh-utils path:editor
belak/zsh-utils path:history
belak/zsh-utils path:prompt
belak/zsh-utils path:utility
belak/zsh-utils path:completion

# prompts:
#   with prompt plugins, remember to add this to your .zshrc:
#   `autoload -Uz promptinit && promptinit && prompt pure`
sindresorhus/pure     kind:fpath
romkatv/powerlevel10k kind:fpath

# popular fish-like plugins
zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting kind:defer

Now that we have a plugins file, let’s look how can we load them!

Loading plugins

If you followed the recommended install procedure, your plugins will already be loaded when you called antidote load in your .zshrc.

However, you could choose generate your static plugins file manually with antidote bundle. Basically, antidote will only need to run when you change your .zsh_plugins.txt file. After you change this, use antidote to regenerate the static file.

Assuming the .zsh_plugins.txt be created above, we can run:

# generate ~/.zsh_plugins.zsh
antidote bundle <~/.zsh_plugins.txt >~/.zsh_plugins.zsh

We can run this at any time to update our static .zsh_plugins.zsh file, however if you followed the recommended install procedure you won’t need to do this yourself.

Finally, the static generated plugins file gets sourced in your .zshrc.

# .zshrc
source ~/.zsh_plugins.zsh

Note that to use antidote bundle this way, we will never want to call antidote init. Be sure that’s not in your ~/.zshrc. antidote init is a wrapper provided for backwards compatibility for users familiar with antibody and antigen, but is no longer recommended.

CleanMyMac or similar tools

If you use CleanMyMac or similar tools, make sure to set it up to ignore the antidote home folder, otherwise it may delete your plugins.

You may also change Antidote’s home folder, for example:

export ANTIDOTE_HOME=~/.cache/antidote